ABC Mathseeds Map 39 Out Now!

If your child loves ABC Mathseeds, then they're in for a treat!
Map 39 is here to take young learners through five exciting new destinations, building key problem solving skills and knowledge of Year 3 maths concepts.
The new map includes Lessons 191â195, which cover fraction word problems, perimeter, multiplication, rounding to the nearest 100 and more.
The engaging online world of ABC Mathseeds allows young children to follow their own self‑paced learning path, with lessons travelling though different maps, personalised to their ability. The program is designed to build essential maths and problem solving skills – skills that will stay with children for life.
If you haven't already, start your free trial of ABC Reading Eggs and ABC Mathseeds here.
Map 39 features:
- Lesson 191, Fraction Word Problems: solve word problems that include finding the fraction of a collection of objects, equivalent fractions and adding fractions
- Lesson 192, Perimeter: find the perimeter of a variety of shapes. Calculate perimeters of shapes where all sides are given, or where there is an unknown length. Investigate shapes that have different areas but the same perimeters
- Lesson 193, Multiplication 2: use a variety of strategies to multiply one‑digit numbers by multiples of 10
- Lesson 194, Rounding to the Nearest 100: use a number line. Identify the 'midpoint' and round up or down to the nearest hundred
- Lesson 195, Fluent Facts within 1000: recall division facts and solve problems where there is an unknown quotient.