Brand New Mental Minute is Here!

Mental Minute is a brand new area added to our award‑winning online maths program Mathseeds. The area is designed specifically to build maths fact fluency – the ability to recall basic maths facts accurately, quickly and with ease.
And it only takes a minute!
Each sprint allows your child to learn a new set of maths facts in one exciting and rewarding minute. They'll enjoy the highly engaging and sequenced format, which will keep them focused and eager to achieve mastery.
There are 145 timed sprints to complete that gradually increase in difficulty. Children earn collectable badges which keep them motivated to boost their scores, and progress through three levels, which will keep them focused and challenged to improve their instant recall of essential maths facts.
Research shows that maths fact fluency increases children's confidence and learning outcomes in all areas of maths learning. That's why we know you'll love our latest addition to Mathseeds – the most exciting way to boost your child's overall confidence and engagement in maths!
If you haven't already, you can start your free trial of Reading Eggs and Mathseeds by starting a free trial here.