New Year's resolutions are a great way to teach kids about goal-setting, achieving goals and the value of a growth mindset. Discover ideas and tips for parents.
These fun, easy car games will rev your children up on car trips. Kids will stay engaged, build literacy skills and have a blast. Learning and fun combined!
Here are six ideas to get your kids into the spirit of Get Caught Reading Month.
Children and poetry fit together exceptionally well. Discover 5 ways to help your child enjoy reading and writing poems at every age.
Teaching your child patterns is a great way to get them involved in early maths concepts. Check out these 5 fun ways to start teaching your child patterns today.
If you're looking to try something creative with your little ones at home, check out these 10 fun and simple watercolour techniques. Prepare to get messy!
Counting activities are a great way to get build your child's early maths skills. Take a look at these 8 counting activities you can try at home today.
You and your children are bound to have fun with these Easter activities and crafts, plus try our ideas to improve reading and writing skills as they play.
Learning maths should be fun! Read on for 5 simple steps on how to make maths fun and accessible for your little ones.
Celebrate the spooky season with these fun Halloween learning activities that help kids build essential reading and writing skills.