Social stories can support children's academic and social development. Get your child ready for school with our easy guide to writing a social story.
Help your child overcome school anxiety and beat the back-to-school blues. Discover practical tips and strategies for a smooth start to the school year.
Avoid the summer slide while keeping the kids entertained on this fun-filled online learning adventure for summer.
Learning sight words is key to building confidence in early readers. ABC Reading Eggs teaches kids sight words with online lessons and games.
Discover how to help your child improve their reading comprehension skills. Includes tips and strategies, plus free activity worksheets and online programs.
Writing isn't just about vocabulary, grammar and spelling.
Get your child into an excellent homework routine with these simple tips to try at home.
In need of some summer reading tips? Keep your kids reading over the summer with these six fun and easy reading tips to keep your kids motivated over the break.
Looking to cultivate your child's creative writing skills? Check out these six tips on how to use dreams as a prompt for creative writing.
We answer the most common questions about reading levels, including how to determine a child's reading level, why it's important and what it means for your child.